In life we've all come to discover that they are ups and downs and negative pulls from all sides. But we've also come to discover, that they are ways to overcome them and they are lots of people who has lived life and conquered it. So have come up with some facts and tips of which I gathered throughout my stay on earth and of which I have applied and has made me overcome some negativity of life that would have overcome me .
- Somethings will never do well ,if you use force or pressure,so they say ''you won't help shoots grow by pulling them up higher''. A lot of us can relate to this. You'll acknowledge the fact that in life there are most things you put a lot of pressure and time into, you put in time, efforts,money ,anger,e.t.c and at the end you discover it still isn't good enough. Lot of us make this mistake in life, but the earlier we discover this fact and understand that something's should be left to God and nature, the better :)
- You should always have a scale of preference and know what's most important and handle it first cause ''one does not leave the yeast out of the bread' 'yes, this scale of preference should also include your goals .A lot of us in life have to start all over again and even quit the real deal because we didn't face important things first. Probably got carried away with the irrelevant stuffs because of ignorance .Being able to identify this tip and know the most important things is a key factor.
- Don't allow negative feelings push you into dishonest behaviour for ''A venerable elder should not have an unpleasant mind ''.A lot of us live in regret cause we neglected this aspect of life and we end up creating and living in disaster. Most people are able to fix this but of course not every one is capable of fixing disasters .So ,when we apply in to our lives ,we able to manage anger, events ,issues, etc. that would have created a life of disasters and regrets.
- ''Happiness does not depend on who you are or what you have. It depends solely on what you think". A healthy mind is the way forward in life. You're reasoning and state of mind is what affects you most. You might have the fame and money, have all you ever wanted and be all you want to be without a happy mind. A happy mind really counts ,the earlier we act on these and keep unhappiness out of our minds ,the healthier we become.
- You cannot get every single thing you want exactly the way you want it all the time. ''All fingers cant be of the same length''.
- Do not procrastinate at all. Do all you can with that time cause you might never get that God-given chance again. Never wait till the last minute to get important things done. 'A person who waits till the last minute is the one who will mend the pen only after all the sheep are gone''.
- Don't take actions before you have encountered the problem ''shed no tears till you see the coffin''.Just apply patience .
- Everyone will pay for any crime committed, no one is exempted because ''to violate the law is the same crime to emperor as to subject''.Also, be careful of steps you take cause no sin goes unpunished ,sooner or later the punishment or nemesis will come.So before you commit a crime ,think twice .A lot of us has made this mistakes and closed our door of life.
I hope this post has been of help and has impacted your lifestyle in one way or the other.If you need someone to talk to or you wanna reachout to me for some other reasons.Heres my mail : . THANKS.MMUAH :)
You are an excellent writer! :) Glad to have helped set your blog up :) x